Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A Little Late

For all two of you keeping track, I know when I started this blog I said I intended to blog daily about Christmas. Well, since I haven't posted since Friday my two day streak has ended. But I have decided to make the time today, especially since today marks eight years that I have been married to the most wonderful man!

Knowing how much I like Christmas, Bryan proposed to me on Christmas day. I kind of knew it was coming, but that didn't make it any less special. On Christmas morning, he give me a box with a clue inside that lead me to another clue. After a couple more, I found the final clue in our basement and it lead me back upstairs to him. He proceeded to get down on one knee and ask me to spend the rest of my life with him. Of course, I said yes and the rest is history.

And because I love Christmas and most of the milestones in our relationship happened in December, we (okay mostly me) decided to get married in December. We spent two years planning the most perfect wedding. When the big day finally arrived, it was beyond perfect and went by way too quickly. Here we are eight years ago today:

And here we are a few months ago at my brother-in-law's wedding:

Still just as young. Well, maybe not young but even more in love than ever.

This final pick is for you, dear husband of mine, because I know it is your favorite.

Happy Anniversary! Thank you for choosing me to be your wife!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Oh, the weather outside is frightful

Well, maybe not today with the sun shining but there is quite the chill in the air. It is definitely apparent that winter (and Christmas!) is just around the corner. I won't lie and say that I love cold weather, but I do love the snow and all the things winter brings. Hot chocolate, blankets, warm sweaters, peppermint mochas and snuggling by the fire.

I have always envisioned Christmas with a few, fluffy inches of sparkling snow on the ground. Just enough to cover the earth in a blanket of white. I imagine everyone inside circled around the tree, listening to Christmas carols, playing games, and enjoying time together.

This may sound crazy to most, but I have always secretly hoped for a blizzard or ice storm to trap us in our home with nothing to do but spend time together. I'm sure after a few days (possibly hours) we would be ready to strangle each other, but in my mind it is a peaceful, magical scene of love and happiness.

Last year, we almost had a chance of this happening. We were hit with a major ice storm a few days before Christmas. Roads, trees, houses, and buildings were covered in a thick sheet of ice. Many trees could not with stand the weight and fell, causing power outages through out the city.

Unfortunately, we lost our power. Fortunately, it was turned on after a few short hours, unlike some who lost it for almost a week. While our power was out we headed to my parents house to stay warm and enjoy some time together. My dream was partially coming true. We were getting some unexpected and much enjoyed time with our loved ones. What could be more fun than making Christmas cookies!

Thursday, December 3, 2009


I always have the best intentions. It starts with an idea, a spark of creativity. My thinking becomes obsessed with it. I begin planning how wonderful it will be and all the great things that will come from this glorious idea.

I start working on this idea- be it a gift, a journal, a schedule, a new art form. I submerse myself in information and supplies to accomplish my goal. The first few days go by and I am on a new project high. Things are getting done and thoughts are flying through my brain of what else I could do with these new skills. I accomplish my daily goals and feel proud of what I have done so far. But by the end of the week, my brain so tired and my expectations so high, I come crashing down.

"What was I thinking," I say to myself. " I can never finish this. No one is going to like it. It can't possible by any good. I can't possibly stick to this. I am bound to fail." So, as quickly as it came the idea flutters away and I am, yet again, back were I started. Only now with more "stuff" that will not only crowd my brain and my home but also way down my heart.

But this Christmas will be different. I am taking it back. This blog is going to be my way to bring Christmas back to what truly matters- spending time with family and friends, giving, and believing in magic. Starting today, which I intended to be December 1, but I let other things get in the way, I will write daily about what Christmas- past, present, and future- means to me. So that someday my children can know exactly why this is the most wonderful time of the year.